1 in 8 Crew Story: Yenis Blanco

Yenis Blanco, Washington D.C., Restaurant Owner/Operator: Luis Gavignano
Like many of the McDonald’s 1in8ers, Yenis Blanco’s pursuit of new opportunities led her to a job at the Golden Arches. Though Yenis spoke very little English when she first came to America from El Salvador, her time in the restaurant allowed her to quickly learn new words and phrases on the job.
As Yenis continued her journey with McDonald’s, she opted to participate in Archways to Opportunity educational programs English under the Arches and Career Online High School, which helped her earn her high school diploma. Alongside her studies, she continued to strengthen her English by working the cash register and initiating conversations with customers, fueling her advancements to department manager and shift leader.
Her educational journey is far from over though, as Yenis is currently studying business at Southern New Hampshire University. “I think education is the main branch of life,” she says. “With education, you can do anything. You can reach any goal.”
Today, Yenis serves as a training manager, overseeing training programs at 15 of Owner/Operator Luis Gavignano’s restaurants in Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia. In her position, she strives to teach crew members about the opportunities McDonald’s has available to them, encouraging them to take advantage of all the skill-building and educational programs at their disposal.
“What I can say to everybody is everything I have accomplished until now is because of McDonald’s and Archways to Opportunity.”
Thank you, Yenis, for being part of the 1-in-8 Americans who make our Arches so golden.
For more information on English under the Arches or Career Online High School, visit www.archwaystoopportunity.com